
About us

Indy Maupetit

Gouverner, c’est prévoir; et ne prévoir rien, c’est courir à sa perte.

After graduating from a Master 2 in Business Law at the University of NICE in 2016, Maître Indy MAUPETIT passed the Examination for Access to the Regional Center for Professional Training of Lawyers (CRFPA) in 2017.

He was sworn in by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal on January 14, 2020.

After four years of profitable experience in law firms specializing in business law and distressed companies.

Maître Indy MAUPETIT decided to set up his own structure in order to put his recognized skills in business law and business criminal law at the service of his own clientele.


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Loyal customers

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Files monitored

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Years of study

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Average response time


Responsiveness, Thoroughness, Communication

“Customer relations are essential to my work. The quality of my work depends not only on the thoroughness with which I handle the files entrusted to me, but also on my availability to my customers, so that I can respond promptly to any queries they may have during the course of a case.”

Business Lawyer

Find out more about Indy MAUPETIT